=> Dr and Privat Docent Jean-Claude Vannay
and professor Albrecht Steck for having proposed us this very
interesting subject. We thank them for their enthusiasm and their avaibility,
as well as for numerous fruitful discussions.
=> Prof. Torsten Vennemann and Prof. Johannes Hunziker,
and also Andreas Mülch & Yens Fiebig for their help
at the Stable Isotopes Laboratory.
We thank also Raffaele Lucchini for discussions on interpretations
of results.
=> Dr François Bussy and Philippe Monjoie for
having followed us during analysis on the microprobe.
=> Professor Jean-Luc Epard for his judicious remarks and
his encouragements.
=> Professor Lukas Baumgartner whose discussions on the thermobarometry
have been very usefull.
=> Sébastien Bruchez for the HF dissolution laboratory.
=> Jean-Claude Lavanchy and Melissa Perret for the
XRF analysis.
=> The commune of Prato-Sornico, and his "Patriziato",
for having allowed us to use the Piatello hut. And also the staff of
the «Ristorante al Ponte» at Prato, as well as the
one of the «Garni Lavizzara» at Sornico and of the «Osteria
Dazio» at Fusio (Website
in It, Eng, or De).
=> The Cantonal Museum of Natural History (Website
in italian) for having given us necessary authorization to such
a geological field research, in particular Mr. Antognini.
=> Katia Strauch-Ferro for having followed us on the Alpe
Larecc and for the numerous scientific and "geopoetical" discussions
about the "Knauern".
=> Franco Della Torre how has introduced us to the geology
of Simano during our first trip at the Alpe Larecc.
=> All our classfriends (years 1998-2003), in particular our
companions of the "triangle" (Stéphane Kock & Alexandre
Hungerbühler) and of the "souk" (Eric Champod & Bastien
Colliard), the camper of the 5. floor (Laurence Hougard and Thomas Galfetti),
and also Denise Bussien, Sebastiano Belloni, Bubu & Tutu (Nicolas
Bulliard et Frédéric Turrian), Agnès Markowski,
Stefan Pfammatter, Caroline Sierro, Marco Truffer, Pascal Zannetta and
Anne-Laure Zufferey. We had a pleasant recollection of this five years
spent in Lausanne!!!
Without to forget our office companion, Florian Genier
=> Finally, we would like to thank warmly our parents and friends
for their support and their encouragements.