Diploma Thesis (M.Sc. equivalent) of Xavier MAEDER and Julien ALLAZ:
Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of Simano nappe at Alpe Larecc (Tessin, CH) © 2003-2007, Uni. Lausanne (Switzerland).
Contacts: Xavier MAEDER (maederx@uni-mainz.de) or Julien ALLAZ (jallaz@geo.unibe.ch)
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Diploma thesis of... Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Simano Nappe at Alpe Larecc Under the direction of...
Xavier MAEDER & Dr & Privat Docent
Jean-Claude VANNAY
Julien ALLAZ & Professor
Albrecht STECK

These few pages summarizes our diploma thesis in earth science (Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland). This detailed study has been performed at Alpe Larecc (Prato-Sornico, Tessin, Suisse) during summers 2001 and 2002. It has been presented in Lausanne the third of March 2003.

This abstract is divided in 5 parts (menu below). Some supplementary pages are available for the aluminosilicates-bearing tension gashes section.

For complete informations, please refer to our diploma work or our publication (see the "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology" website). Moreover, our "download" page already give you access to a PDF version of the diploma work summary (text only) and colour images from our publication!

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Some references from scientific publications are presented in abridged (author(s), year). To get complet reference, clic on the associated [reference] link or clic here to see all references.

This diploma thesis is COPYRIGHT protected. If you use data, figures or results from these web pages you are requested to mention the authors. Thank you!

1) Introduction | 2) Structural | 3) Thermobarometry | 4) Tension gashes | 5) Cartography | Bibliography | Thanks
Aluminosilicate-bearing veines: 4.1) Mineralogy | 4.2) Structure | 4.3) Examples | 4.4) Formation

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